Change to Overseas Student visa (D-2)
○ Required Documents
1. Original Passport
2. Alien Registration Card
3. Transaction Fee of 100 000 won (which includes the reentry fee)
4. Integrated Application Form
5. An official acceptance letter indicating an evaluated mathematics ability and financial skills
6. Receipt of payment for registration
7. Documents/Proofs indicating your sojourn expenses such as a copy of statement of bank
account and others
8. Certificate as Beneficiary of Scholarship
9. Certificate of Attendance indicating the attendance rate
10. Academic Transcript
▶ Change from Language Training visa to Overseas Undergraduate/Graduate Student visa
(D-4-1 visa to D-2 visa)
11. Certificate of highest level of education
12. Original copy of the family registration system for Chinese nationals
※ Based on Article 24 of the Immigration Law on Overseas student visa (D-2), if one wishes to change
his/her status from non-overseas student to overseas student, he/she must obtain a prior approval from the university and register before the semester opens. (Take precaution on this as many commit violation of this law every year)