2023 MOFA Junior Scholar Fellowship

첨부1. 모집 포스터_2023 MOFA Junior Scholar Fellowship
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2023 MOFA Junior Scholar Fellowship

• Eligibility
Graduate students enrolled in a Master’s or PhD program
in Korea who have:
– US, Chinese, or Japanese citizenship
– Strong interests in political, economic, social, and cultural
issues of Korea
• Program
All program will be in both Korean and English

1. Lecture/Discussion
Lectures presented by experts in various sectors, such as
Korean History, Culture, Politics, and Diplomacy etc., and
Discussion afterwards

2. Field Trip
Field Trip to places showing Korea’s system for Politics, and
its Culture, Ecology, and Foreign policy

3. Cultural Experience
Out of Korea’s various sides with firsthand experiences,
e.g. K-pop, foods, customs, and history, visiting significant
local places

• Application Process
How to apply
Submit Application and Certificate of Enrollment to ikus@yonsei.ac.kr
(Download Application by scanning QR code)

Application Deadline 2023.08.01 ~ 2023.09.03 (KST)

A selection will be announced individually in early September

• Extra Information
There will be no fee required for participating

Date/Place 09.08 (Fri) / Seoul (Orientation)
09.15 (Fri) ~ 09.16 (Sat) / Seoul
09.22 (Fri) ~ 09.23 (Sat) / Busan (overnight itinerary)
10.06 (Fri) ~ 10.09 (Mon) / Seoul

Certificate of the program will be issued to the participants upon completion
of the program

• Contacts
E-mail ikus@yonsei.ac.kr
Kakaotalk ID koreanexperts23