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Seoul City Tour_2014. 5. 18

If you are interested in this, send email to by May 10th Name : Nationality : Univ. : Phone no. : First comes, first…

2014 Templestay Supporters Needed

1. What is TempleStay Supporters? This program is about building friendship with people from all over the world, conducting promotion activities related to Templestay and doing…

梦起韩亚” 韩亚中国留学生Marketer “CAMP”

梦起韩亚” 韩亚中国留学生Marketer “CAMP”是中国留学生通过韩亚航空公司的活动,体验韩企企划营销, 同时还会通过个人SNS向海外宣传此次活动的相关内容。 除此以外,活动参与者还可以感受韩亚航空空乘服务体验及空乘服务反馈(还有2天1夜的韩国国内旅行哦!!) 通过企划营销学习,企划营销实战,希望作为“韩亚Marketer”的中国留学生朋友们通过此次活动充分发挥自己的实力,并给留学生活留下一段美好的回忆。 招募对象: 韩国大学在校中国留学生(包括大学院) 活动时间: 2014年5月~12月 (7~ 8月除外/活动时间每月周五或周六) 活动内容: 免费乘坐韩亚国内航线,享受空乘服务体验,策划韩亚企划营销,个人网络SNS宣传等 招募人数: 18名 活动优胜者奖励:韩亚航空海外往返机票(免费送你去梦想国度!) 50万韩元旅游基金(油料附加费,税金需本人承担) 申请方法: 下载申请书,填写后发送申请书至邮箱 申请截止时间: 2014年 4月…

Make your own Carnations with HANJI!

In Korea, Carnations are used for showing their love and gratitude toward their parents not only on parents Day(8 May) but also on Teacher’s Day(15…

Open registration of Wow Korea supporters 2014

Wow Korea Supporters Program (Asian Korea Tourism SNS supporters group) ▶Download an application form : The Korea Tourism Organization is recruiting students from Middle…