Universal Ballet

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DatesWed, March 23 – Sun April 3, 2016
VenueUniversal Arts Center
Time Week days 20:00 Sat 3pm, 7pm Sun 3pm(No Performance on March 28, 29)
Ticket Price R 100,000, S 80,000 A 60,000 B 10,000
Running Time 2 hours and 30 minutes
Minimum age Elementary school student and older
*20 Discount for Expats and Tourists
- Discount also applies to accompanying Korean Friends.
- Must show foreign Passport or Alien Registration Card at Box Office when picking up tickets.

The ballet Swan Lake was originally created inMoscow in 1877, to a score commissioned fromTchaikovsky, the earliest of his three major balletscores. The production was not very successful,however, and the version widely known today wasproduced in St. Petersburg at the MariinskyTheater. The second scene, where Siegfriedmeets Odette among the swans by the lake waschoreographed in 1894 by Lev Ivanov for amemorial concert, and the full-length versionwas created by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov thefollowing year. Over the years alterations weremade at various times by the staff at theMariinsky Theater, most notable the revisionsmade in 1950 by Konstantin Sergeyev. The versionperformed by Universal Ballet also includesfurther revisions by Oleg Vinogradov, whosucceeded Sergeyev as the head of the balletcompany at the Mariinsky.

Ticket Inquiry: Amelia 070-7124-1777 amelia2506@naver.com