[ Part-time ] Retro MaMa

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[Part-time Job] Hall Served and Customer Information.


- Company Name : Retro MaMa ltd.

- Time : 5 hours / day (10:00~15:00 or 18:00~23:00),  6 days / week (Mon.~Sat.)

* Timing can be negotiated

- Age : 20~30 years old.

- Pay : 6,000 WON / hour

- Location :  Line 1, Line 7 to Gasan Digital Complex Station. (Located directly in front of the station.)

                  459-11 Gasan-dong, J. Platz No. 208.

- Task : Hall serving simple tasks (table settings, clean out an empty bowl, cleaning, etc.) and Customers shop at the entrance to guide.

- Contack to : retromamaadm@naver.com

*  Please include name. gender, contact and brief self-introduction.




Homepage : www.retromama.co.kr

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/retromama1