Korean Food 29 Seconds Film Festival(9.22~10.13)

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<“29 Second Film Festival” is…>

“29 Seconds Film Festival” is the first worldwide digital convergence film festival that unites online and offline events including mobiles. This event is planned by The Korea Economic Daily to suggest a new visual grammar and seek for the new talents who will lead the future film industry of the new generation in the digital smart age.

<Judging criteria>

The winner will be selected by our panel judges with the netizens’ assessments. 29 seconds film can be short but long enough to express your message. Your participation and your interest will create a new film culture.

● Theme : Korea’s Delicious Secret

● Qualification : Anyone

● Schedule

● Submission Period : 2014. 9. 22(Mon) ~ 10. 13(Mon)

● Awards Ceremony : 2014. 10. 28(Tue), COEX Conference 401

● Entry Standards : 29 seconds film excluding title and credits

● How to submit : Post the film directly at the website(www.29sfilm.com)

● Awards

Award Section Winner Prize Money (KRW)
GrandPrize Adult(20+) 1 \3,000,000
Teenage(19-) 1 \2,000,000
FirstPrize Adult(20+) 1 \2,000,000
Teenage(19-) 1 \1,000,000
SecondPrize Adult(20+) 1 \1,000,000
Teenage(19-) 1 \500,000
SpecialPrize - 1 iPad mini
Total 7 \10,000,000

Visit web-site(29sfilm.com) and Enjoy Extreme short Film Festival!!!