How to Write a Personal Essay

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How to Write a Personal Essay

A personal essay is a written document that states a non-fiction that is from an autobiographical presentation(source). This is a personal statement that details the personal experience of the writer. Personal essay is the literature’s freest form. Authors use their creative literary works in order to materialize their unique ideas into a written form. A personal essays are able to inspire and move readers to relate the details of the essay to their personal lifestyle.


1. Be Subjective: A personal essay is usually aggravated by a personal approach in order to accomplish a certain task. The goal is to exercise a reaction regarding the issue or experience that has been experienced. Writers use their personal experience as the basis of a subjective approach to detail the contents of the whole essay. The subjective nature of creating a personal essay can directly open the heart of the writer to the readers.

2. Use Creative thinking: Writing a personal essay is a creative process of telling the author’s first-hand experience. The purpose of making a creative thinking process is to entice the interest of the readers to become withdrawn to the discussion of the essay. The author uses different forms of an interesting figure of speech and literary terms as a way to persuade the readers to become more interested in the subject matter. These are scenarios that were personally experienced sometime in the past. The author uses their creative thought process to maintain an interesting topic with the discussion.

3. Use the pronoun “I”: Authors often use the pronoun “I” when referring to their own experiences. This is one of the most interesting features that every individual will have to administer with their personal essays. Using this particular pronoun creates a narrative atmosphere, detailing each event. The readers will easily recognize that the personal essay talks about the author’s personal opinion or experience to the scene or circumstance.

4. Testimonial: A personal essay can be used for formal communication letters. The main purpose is to give credit to the involved subject or an issue. This is when the person officially testifies or provides a formal testimony to a product, service, circumstance, or an issue. The testimonial nature aims to promote the main subject matter of the issue. These are the products, services, or any personalized experience.

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