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[Job Opportunity] English tutoring through Kakao Talk
[채용 공고] 영어 튜터링, 첨삭 및 채팅 서비스
Job Description
TELLA is looking for tutors that are able to chat in English with TELLA’s users while editing their writing, grammar, and expressions. Chatting is done through the application Kakao Talk, and tutors are required to chat with a certain number of students for two hours every day (Mon-Fri).
자격 조건 (for Koreans)
- 한국 국적자
- 영어 능통자
- 영어권 국가 거주 경험 / 이중국적자 우대

Qualifications (for Foreigners)
- Fluency in English
- Preferably from an English-speaking country / country where English is the official language
- Prior English teaching experience highly recommended

7,000 won/hour.
** Possibility of increased pay if the tutor successfully completes two months of training.

This job can be done at home.
Working Hours
Mon-Fri, chosen time slot of two hours
(08:00-10:00 / 10:00-12:00 / 13:00-15:00 / 15:00-17:00 / 19:00-21:00 / 21:00-23:00)

Application Process

Please fill out the resume attached and send it to tella

  • Elías Arturo Molina

    Where is the “resumee attached”?