DRrEW – Business System Consulting and Support
- Introduction and Recruit Notice
We are an Australian consulting company specialising is Business systems with a great deal of our work coming from the Mining industry and in particular companies utilising the Ventyx Ellipse ERP software.
Currently we have a software development project in progress to build a web interface to the existing software system and calling existing Microsoft c# Web Services to pass. We have developed this utilising Micosoft`s MVC5, C# running on a dedicated Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (and 2012) database. Currently we have a requirement for a Senior Web Developer to initially assist by adding JavaScript to existing Web Pages to enhance functionality of the limited MVC5 standard base. We also have incorporated the use of Telerik KendoUI. Depending on the skills and ability of the person, a progression to core product development in a full time role is likely. The person will need to have the ability to work independently and have some creativity and and lateral thinking in coming up with working solutions to the desire functional requirements. Previous experience in building HTML5/JavaScript based websites interacting with a database by utilising asynchronous communications; Single Page Websites/Applications; editable data-grids/tables with individual record synchronisation is desirable.
- 1.입사지원서접수방법
- 상시모집으로이메일개별연락바람 (영문이력서필수)
- 아래질문들의대답과함께이력서에첨부바람
1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2013을다뤄본적이있으십니까?
2. HTML5를다뤄본적이있습니까?
3. Microsoft MVC5를다뤄본적이있습니까?
4. 업무가능한개인컴퓨터또는노트북이있습니까?
- 전형절차와면접방식
- 이력서접수(한/영문이력서) – 검토 – 개별연락 – 면접
- 서류절차가통과된자에한하여면접장소를개별적으로연락.
면접복장은정장또는캐주얼복장, 개별면접.
- 공통자격요건
- 4년제대학졸업자또는졸업예정자
- 군필또는면제자로해외여행에결격사유가없는자
- TOEIC 600 이상의자격을갖춘자또는이부분에월등한실력을갖춘자
- 영어가능자우대.
- 모집부분에대하여완벽히이해한자
- 도덕의식과매너리즘을갖춘자
- 부산거주자또는부산에서근무가가능한자또는재택근무가가능한자
- 근무조건
- 고형형태: 인턴후계약직/정규직
- 급여조건: 연삼천만원 (퇴직금포함)
- 근무시간: 9am ~ 6pm (휴식,점심시간포함)
- 근무요일: 월~금
- 연금·보험: 4대보험(국민연금, 고용보험, 산재보험, 건강보험)
- 휴무·휴가: 주5일근무
- 건강관리지원: 건강검진
- 교육지원: 자기계발비지원
- 수당제도: 야근수당
- 여가지원: 해외여행지원